BOTANICAL HARMONY Magnesium Bisglycinate 555mg 60 capsules


Magnesium plays an important role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in our body. These reactions aid in energy production, controlling blood sugar level, protein synthesis, and regulation of blood pressure. Magnesium supplements come in many form, but magnesium bisglycinate is known as the “gold standard”. Magnesium bisglycinate induces muscle relaxation, which eases anxiety and allows you to sleep. This calming effect allows you to sleep longer and better, which sets your circadian rhythm straight. The glycine in magnesium bisglycinate helps enhance memory and reduce daytime sleepiness. Taking the recommended amount of magnesium can help patients maintain their blood pressure. In fact, the long-term use of a magnesium supplement can reduce diastolic as well as systolic blood pressure. Calcium tends to steal all the glory when it comes to bone health, but magnesium is vital for bone formation. It affects vitamin D and parathyroid concentrations, which are important for bone formation. Taking the right amount of magnesium bisglycinate can prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium bisglycinate prevents the alteration of neurotransmitter release, which, in turn, reduces the onset of migraines. Steady supplement intake can reduce the frequency of migraines and since magnesium is well tolerated, it can be used in the long term.

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