HEALTH AID Vitamin D3 200iu Drops 15ml


Vitamin D can be created by the body when the skin is exposed to sunshine for a small amount of time. Certain factors such as amount of melatonin, lack of sunshine and certain lifestyles can diminish Vitamin D stored within the body. A lack of Vitamin D can cause lethargy, tiredness, muscle problems, bone pains and mood changes. Certain health problems such as a weak immune system may be assisted by Vitamin D. Supplementation with Vitamin D alongside a healthy diet can contribute to the normal absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus (which contribute to normal bones and normal teeth). Vitamin D is also used within the body for the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin D also contributes to normal blood Calcium levels and has a role in cell division.
Vitamin D3 Drops can be taken daily. Do not exceed recommended daily intake unless advised by a suitably qualified person.

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